ABCh Kids
Here at ABCh Kids, we are passionate about learning more about God! Not only this, but we want to continue to see the message of Christ lived and taught in the home!
At ABCh Kids, we are driven to create a generation that is passionate and well-trained in their faith in Christ. We can’t wait to see the church that grows when the Generations Coming grow up in wisdom and stature in Christ!
We have three programs each week for the Generations Coming:
Crèche (age 1-3) Bubbles (age 3-6) Emerge (age 6-12)

At Alstonville Baptist, the youth live and learn under the reminder that they are to be trained and discipled in order that they then may go and make disciples.
4Uth, means that everything we do is “For You” (God) and “For the Youth” of Alstonville.
We meet every week to grow in our knowledge and the application of the Word of God. Working through basic discipleship, personal faith questions, memorisation of Scripture and deeper spiritual disciplines, we are seeking to continue our discipleship journey so we can pass on the love we have received through Christ.
This year our motto is “health and wholeness.” We seek to create a physical and spiritual lifestyle that is maintained and driven by the long term goal to be physically healthy and spiritually made whole in Christ.

At Alstonville Baptist, we value all members of our Church family. We encourage people to join a Life Group, where we can develop relationships and grow together in our knowledge and understanding of God. If you are interested in joining a group, please see our Life Group Co-ordinator.
Aside from Life Groups, we hold KYB (Know Your Bible) Bible Study.
Throughout the year, different events are also held for Men, Women & Seniors.
If you are looking for a way to serve the Church family, please be aware that we are always looking for people to serve in:
Mum’s Connect – be involved with young mums from the community.
LinC – Love in the Name of Christ – become a volunteer to assist people in our community. This is a program with the co-operation of the churches of Alstonville.
Rosters – Many areas of ministry through assistance on rosters such as Children’s Ministry helpers , Youth helpers (both mentoring and practically), Worship, Sound, Welcoming, Pastoral Care, Cleaning & Morning Tea.

Our vision is to see women released to their full potential in Christ and enjoying a deeply intimate relationship with Him as they move, live and breathe in the presence of the Spirit. We believe the Lord desires to see His women walk in deep wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding, and to truly enjoy His presence in the process.

Freedom Prayer
Freedom Prayer is a biblically-based prayer ministry primarily for inner-healing. It helps release Christians from the strongholds that have bound them, sometimes all their lives. Freedom Prayer releases people from these strongholds and releases them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

P: 02 6628 5387
E: office@alstonvillebaptist.org.au
Address: 108 Wardell Road, Alstonville
Postal: PO Box 13, Alstonville 2477